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  • Powerful database driven e-commerce shopping cart
  • Unlimited number of products and categories
  • Web statistics, track visitors and monitor activities in real time
  • Sales Report in any period
  • Incentive Plan with coupon generating, auto-delivery and tracking
  • Live Chat support.
  • Forum bulletin board.
  • Quick book for accounting
  • Membership support
  • PHP and Perl Scripts
  • Export information to other applications
  • 1 GB disk space
  • 5 GB traffic/month
  • 10 User accounts
  • 10 E-Mail boxes
  • Free webmail
  • Free SSL seucre web server
  • Firewall security
  • Daily data backup
  • Disaster backup recover.

WebSite Statistics Search
From this page you can select a date range to display a statistics report of your website. The statistics includes a number of visitors, customers, users, orders and members (if your website supports membership) in this period. You can summarily show all together, or in each week, or in each month or in each year. A graph of trend chart or bar chart can be displayed below statistics table in each page. The default is not showing graph. The first two rows of drop-down menus are to quickly get a specific date range from last x weeks, or last x months, or last x years, or which year, or which month of year. The properties of Data Range (From - To), Summary and Include Graph finally determine the attributes of the statistics report.
You can open a RealTime Window to watch and monitor the activities of your website and online store in realtime by clicking Open RealTime Window link on the bottom of page. Clicking Close RealTime Window or switch to another function will stop realtime monitoring.

Setup Wizard
Setup Wizard leads you to step by step to configure your website. Each step includes only one config area. Total five steps need to finish all of the settings. But you can stop at any step of them. When you press Next or Back button, the current page setting will be automatically saved and it will go to the next or previous page. The five steps are made of different setups for Top Bar, Categories and Home Page, Left Panel, Bottom Area and Attributes.

Website Settings
This form includes all of website settings of your website.

  • You change Titlebar Layout, select Title Name with font, font size and color, Slogan with font, font size and color, Welcome Content with font, font size and color and on/off Product Search. And also you can upload your customized Logo Image to replace Title Name and Slogan.
  • If your website has run for a while and has collected some data for product sales, visit count and a group of new products is coming, you can turn on links of New Products, Hot Products and Best Sale Products on top title bar. You can define you default home page content by using a simple built-in html editor. Or select any category of products to display in home page. Home Link can be pointed to your-own designed website (in the same place or different location). In this way, online store is only your shopping site and you can design unlimited web pages to explain your company, products and etc.
  • Category Menu can be selected in different layout. You can turn on/off any features, like supporting Membership, showing Site News (on the left pane or floating in center) with the content auto scrolling, enabling Newsletter to subscribers, Feedback form and Tell Friend form. The content of site news can be modifying in any time.
  • When you sign up the service, the general Security Policy, Private Note and Legal Statement are automatically provided for you. You can turn off any of them or revise its content and format according to your requirements.
  • The content of Web Title that is displaying on the top of a browser can be modified. The description and keywords of Meda Tag in each page can be updated to help search engines to better index and easily find your website.
You have to press Update Configuration button to save changes. All the modifications will immediately reflect in the front of your website.

Product List
From this page you can see a brief list of all the products you added. Each page lists up to the max rows of records, which you can adjust it any time. The navigating links to access to multiple pages will be appearing on the bottom of table if there are more than one page. You can enter to Product page to edit and update any of existing products information, or delete any item that is not needed any more. You can add a new product by clicking the link of Add New Product at the left-bottom of the list. The sequence order in the list determines the display position of product in any category. However, the sequence order of any product can be changed by click Move up or Move down link.

From this form you can input or change information on each fields. Some fields (marked with *) are required while some others are optional. For example, you must input Price, but you can input Sale-Price or Member Price or let them to be empty. This will affect product price information display in your website. You can upload 0 or up to 3 photo pictures for this product. Three different size images will display on different pages. If you enter a value of Ship-Weight field, it will help the online system to estimate a correct total weight of ship package. The product stock will be subtracted when it is sold. The product can be applied taxable or not. You can temporarily set any of products to be active or inactive.
If the product is a online delivery product, you have to update a file and write a brief instruction to explain how to download, install and launch this product. You can control expired days of downloading after it is sold.
From this page you can easily go to the next/previous product page to continue editing the other product information without go back to product list page.

Category List
From this page you can see a brief list of all the categories you added. Each page lists up to the max rows of records, which you can adjust it any time. The navigating links to access to multiple pages will be displaying on the bottom of table if there are more than one page. You can enter to Category page to edit and update any of existing category settings, or delete any item that is not needed any more. You can add a new category by clicking the link of Add New Category at the left-bottom of the list. The sequence order in the list determines the display position of category menu in your website. However, the sequence order of any category can be changed by click Move up or Move down link. If a plus sign is showing on the left of Category Name, it means this category has one or more sub-category(s). Clicking the plus sign or category name will display its sub-category name list.

From this form you can input or change information on each fields. Only Name field (marked with *) is required while some others are optional. One of displaying layouts is needed to select. You can select one of background colors for this category and give a max number that products will display in each page. Select Yes or No to enactive or deactivate this category (not permanently remove it from your online system).
The second form allows you to add available product(s) to this category or remove any of them from it at any time.
Click the link of Go to Sub-Category List to enter to its sub-category area to add or edit the sub-category that belongs to it. Any category can have on zero, one or multiple sub-categories. The Sub-Category is not required and completely depends on real needs.
From this page you can easily go to the next/previous category page to continue editing the other category settings without go back to the list page.

Sub-Category List
From this page you can see a brief list of all the sub-category you added. Each page lists up to the max rows of records, which you can adjust it any time. The navigating links to access to multiple pages will be displaying on the bottom of table if there are more than one page. You can enter to Sub-Category page to edit and update any of existing sub-category settings (exactly same as Category page) or delete any item that is not needed any more. You can add a new sub-category by clicking the link of Add New Sub-Category at the left-bottom of the list. The sequence order in the list determines the display position of sub-category menu in your website. However, the sequence order of any sub-category can be changed by click Move up or Move down link.
The each sub-category name should be unique in this group.

From this form you can input or change information on each fields. Only Name field (marked with *) is required while some others are optional. One of displaying layouts is needed to select. You can select one of background colors for this sub-category and give a max number that products will display in each page. Select Yes or No to enactive or deactivate this sub-category (not permanently remove it from your online system).
The second form allows you to add available product(s) to this sub-category or remove any of them from it at any time.
From this page you can easily go to the next/previous sub-category page to continue editing the other sub-category settings without go back to the list page.

Select Products
From this panel allows you to handle product selection at one time and easily view the relationship between products and category/sub-category. You can select one of categories or sub-categories by highlighting it. On the right, select/unselect products you want to add/remove it to/from the category or sub-category you highlighted. After you select or unselect, you have to press Apply button to save your selections permanently. Any product can be selected into one or more categories/sub-categories as crossing reference.

Order List
From this page you can see a brief list of all the orders. Each page lists up to the max rows of records, which you can adjust it any time. The navigating links to access to multiple pages will be displaying on the bottom of table if there are more than one page. The order list includes all unshipped orders as well as shipped orders. From here, you can sort by Order No, Subtotal, Tax, Ship (Charge), Total, Order Date, Ship Date or Customer by clicking any of these fields in the header row. You can click a customer name link to go to the customer page to view or edit the information. Clicking the View link will allows you see a complete order invoice, the same one as a customer got when he/her finished ordering process. You can also delete any order if you want. You can go to the search page to find a group of specific orders by clicking Search Order link on the bottom of table. Clicking Export link (next to Search Order) allows you to export order records to a spreadsheet application (such as MS-Excel) or other database applications.

Searh Orders
From this form, you can search one or more orders. You are required to fill at least one field. Multiple fields combine to AND conditions to do search. The top 9 fields are auto-wildcard word search. It is not exactly match. For example, if you enter "Jason" in Customer Name field, you will find all the orders made by customers who's name is start with "Jason".
The other 6 fields are required to exactly match. You can input one or both of Order Date fields. If you only enter a value for From field of Order Date, the search engine will search (plus some other conditions if there are) the orders that are made since it. If a value is only entered for To field of Order Date, the search engine will only search the orders made in or before this date. The same rule is applied to two of Grand Total fields.
The Shipment and Pay Status fields are drop down list. You can select one of them or not select any of them. Press Search button to start search. If one or more records are found, it will jump to Order List page. If no record is found, it will stay on this page to wait for another search.

Export Orders
From this form, you can export the order records data to other applications for further handle and analysis. The header row can include or not include with order records. You can select all or a range of order records to export. Or select export format in Capital Letters or Upper and Lower case as it in online database. After press Export Now button, a File Download dialog box will appear to allow you to select open or save them. If you select it to save in your local machine, you have a chance to enter a filename or select a different folder to save.

Shipment List
Shipment List only list all the unshipped orders. Its layout is almost the same as order list is. Each page lists up to the max rows of records, which you can adjust it any time. The navigating links to access to multiple pages will be displaying on the bottom of table if there are more than one page. From here, you can sort by Order No, Subtotal, Tax, Ship (Charge), Total, Order Date, Pay Status or Customer by clicking any of these fields in the header row. You can click a customer name link to go to the customer page to view or edit the information. Clicking the Shipment link will bring you to shipment page to fill some shipment information to finish shipping process.

Order Invoice and Shipment
On the top of this page, it displays the detail information of order invoice for your reference. The second half page lists a detail billing information. The billing information field varies. It depends on the payment options are selected and which payment is used by ordering. The fields of Payment Status, Ship Vendor and Name, Ship Quantity, Tracking No and Estimated Ship Weight are the same for all the orders. If a real Tracking No is entered with a right ship vendor selected, the customer will can easily track the shipping status by clicking a link showing on shipped order invoice. If you enter an estimated ship weight in lb, the ship package weight will display on the invoice with other information.

SaleReport Statistics Search
From this page you can select a date range to display a statistics report of your sales. The statistics includes a summary of total orders, subtoal, discount, tax, shipping fee and total in this period. You can summarily show all together, or in each week, or in each month or in each year. A graph of trend chart or bar chart can be displayed below statistics table in each page. The default is not showing graph. The first two rows of drop-down menus are to quickly get a specific date range from last x weeks, or last x months, or last x years, or which year, or which month of year. The properties of Data Range (From - To), Summary and Include Graph finally determine the attributes of the statistics report.

Payment Settings
There are three payment options to select. You can select one, two or all of the payment options. If you select more than one payment options, they will display on the same order confirm page and a customer will use one of payment options to finish order process.
Accepting Credit Card Payment provides three different payment gateways, Offline, and iTransact. Only one of gateways allows selecting at a time. If you select or iTransact gateway, you need to apply a merchant account on either of gateway companies. And you need to fill the account information accordingly. needs a LoginID and Transaction Key, while iTransact only requires a Gateway ID. You can select or unselect which credit card or eCheck your online store will support. To press Update Now button to finish modifications.

Ship Method List
From this page you can see a brief list of all the shipping methods you added. Each page lists up to the max rows of records, which you can adjust it any time. The navigating links to access to multiple pages will be displaying on the bottom of table if there are more than one page. From here, you can sort by Name, Description, or Charge by clicking any of these fields in the header row. You can enter to a Ship Method page to edit its information or delete any item that is not needed any more. You can add a new ship method by clicking the link of Add New Ship Method at the left-bottom of the list.

Ship Method
From this form you can input or change information on each fields. The name and charge fields are needed to input some information. The each ship method name should be unique. To press Add/Update Ship Method button to add or update ship method information.
From this page you can easily go to the next/previous ship method page to continue editing the other ship method without go back to the list page.

County/State Tax List
From this page you can see a brief list of all the counties tax you added. Each page lists up to the max rows of records, which you can adjust it any time. The navigating links to access to multiple pages will be displaying on the bottom of table if there are more than one page. From here, you can sort by State, County, or Rate by clicking any of these fields in the header row. You can enter to a Tax Rate page to edit its information or delete any item that is not needed any more. You can add a new tax rate by clicking the link of Add New County/State Tax at the left-bottom of the list.

From this form you can input or change information on each fields. You select one of states first, then select one of counties belong to this state. If you select statewide as a county name, it means this tax rate will apply to all the counties that are not setup a tax rate, in this state. To press Add/Update Tax Rate button to add or update tax rate information.
From this page you can easily go to the next/previous tax rate page to continue editing the other tax rate information without go back to the list page.

Incentive Rules
From this form you design and setup incentive rules. There are three categories of incentive rules: Free Shipping, Discount Rule and Coupon Group Rules.
Each rule includes the fields of the offer (discount number, x percent off or free shipping), Limit on (What condition), Apply to (Which product, or Products in a category) and Expired in (Date).
The coupon group rules can include zero to unlimited groups. The coupon group is generated and managed in the action of Manage Coupons. Once a coupon group is created, it will automatically show under Coupon Group Rules. If a coupon group is removed from Manage Coupons, it will disappear in this form.

Manage Coupons
Coupon group lists all the groups you generated. Each page lists up to the max rows of records, which you can adjust it any time. The navigating links to access to multiple pages will be displaying on the bottom of table if there are more than one page. From here, you can sort by Group Name, Quantity, Auto Delivery or Generate Date by clicking any of these fields in the header row. You can click a Mass Delivery link to go to email page to send each coupon in this group to customer or newsletter subscriber. Clicking View link will bring you to a coupon list page to show all the coupons (including name, delivery to, used by and delivery date/used date) in this group. You can Edit the properties of the coupon group, such as group name, auto-delivery and description or Delete any item that is not needed any more. You can generate a new group by clicking the link of Generate new coupon group at the left-bottom of the list.

Coupon List
This page lists all the coupons you generated. Each page lists up to the max rows of records, which you can adjust it any time. The navigating links to access to multiple pages will be displaying on the bottom of table if there are more than one page. From here, you can sort by Coupon Name, Delivery To, Used By or Delivery To/Used By Date by clicking any of these fields in the header row. You can click a not-used coupon name link to send this coupon to a customer directly.

Generate Coupon Group
From this form you can input or change information on each fields. All fields are required except Prefix and Description. The group name should be unique. The length of each coupon string should be great than zero. You can select the Auto Delivery to not Auto-Delivery to anybody or auto delivery to new ordering customers or newsletter subscribers or both of them.
The Description will display on the invoice with a coupon of this group when it is selected as Auto-Delivery to Customers or show on the email to a newsletter subscriber when it is selected as Auto-Delivery to Newsletter Subscriber.

Customer List
From this page you can see a brief list of all the customers. Each page lists up to the max rows of records, which you can adjust it any time. The navigating links to access to multiple pages will be displaying on the bottom of table if there are more than one page. From here, you can sort by Customer Name, Phone, E-Mail, or Sign Up Date by clicking any of these fields in the header row. You can click an E-Mail link to go to the email page to directly send an email to this customer. Clicking the Edit link will allows you to see a complete customer information or update any of them. You can view all the orders made by this customer before.
Clicking Export link (at left-bottom of the table) allows you to export mail information to a MS-Word supported label file to print labels or customer records to a spreadsheet application (such as MS-Excel) or other database applications.

All the information can be modified, you have to press Update Customer button to save your changes.
From this page you can easily go to the next/previous customer page to continue editing the other customer information without go back to the list page.

Customer Export
There are two types of exports. One type is to export the mail information to a *.rtf file that MS-Word can open and print the in labels format. Three kinds of labels (Avery® 5160, Avery® 51601 and Avery® 5162) are supported. The other type is to export customer records to a *.csv file that a lot of spreadsheet or database application can open for further handle and analysis. The header row can include or not include with the records.
Both of exports allow you to select all or a range of records to export. Or do case conversion in Capital Letters or Upper and Lower case as it in online database. After press Export Now button, a File Download dialog box will appear to allow you to select open or save them. If you select it to save in your local machine, you have a chance to enter a filename or select a different folder to save.

Newsletter Subscriber
This page lists all the information of newsletter subscribers. Each page lists up to the max rows of records, which you can adjust it any time. The navigating links to access to multiple pages will be displaying on the bottom of table if there are more than one page. From here, you can sort by E-Mail, Name, Subscribe or Subscribe Date by clicking any of these fields in the header row. You can click an E-Mail link to go to the email page to directly send an email to this person. You can delete any subscriber by clicking the Delete link in each row.

Customer Feedback List
This page lists all the information of customer feedback newsletter subscribers. Each page lists up to the max rows of records, which you can adjust it any time. The navigating links to access to multiple pages will be displaying on the bottom of table if there are more than one page. From here, you can sort by Customer Name, Phone No, E-Mail, Submit Date or Response Date by clicking any of these fields in the header row. You can review customer feedback and response content by clicking a View Link or start response a feedback by clicking a Response link.

Customer Feedback Response
From page you can view customer feedback content and write your answers in response fields. To press Send Now button to send an email with the response directly to this customer.
From this page you can easily go to the next/previous customer feedback and response page to continue working on the other feedback and response without go back to the list page.

Mass E-Mail Campaign
From this form you can send an E-Mail message either to a single or multiple recipients (each E-Mail address is separated by ';') or a group of recipients that are store in online database. The group of recipients could be all customers, newsletter subscribers or both of them.
You can only select one of E-Mail addresses from the From field list. The list includes yourself E-Mail address plus from zero to a few of company forwarding E-Mail addresses if they are assigned to forward to your E-Mail box.
To check the field of Send a copy to and fill an E-Mail address will cc the same E-Mail message to the E-Mail address you filled in.
The default message format is HTML format. You can use build-in HTML editor to edit and format a good-look message. But you can switch the message to pure text format that all of E-Mail servers and client application can support.
Note: You can use tags, such [$name$] and [$coupon-string$], to be placeholders in Subject or Message Content fields. They will be dynamically replaced with the name of customer/subscriber and coupon string. You cannot change them but you can put them in any place of your message content.

User List
From this page you can see a brief list of all the users you added. Each page lists up to the max rows of records, which you can adjust it any time. The navigating links to access to multiple pages will be displaying on the bottom of table if there are more than one page. From here, you can sort by Username, E-Mail, Real Name or Modify Date by clicking any of these fields in the header row. You can enter to a User page to edit its information. You can delete any user except the admin user. A new user can be added any time by clicking Add New User link at the left-bottom of the list.

All the information, except Username, can be modified. You can add more access roles to this user or remove any of them from this user. Any of company emails can forward/not-forward to this user email box. After finishing modification, you have to press Add/Update User button to save your changes.
From this page you can easily go to the next/previous user page to continue editing the other user information without go back to the list page.

Website Area
It is your online store and website area. All the files in this area can be accessed by public world. If you want to have a completely customized website designed by youself, you can upload files to it. For example, you have a file, sample.html, in the root folder of this area, anybody who types "http://yourdomain/sample.html" in a browser will load this page. If you want default home page of your website go to your designed page, you can replace index.html with your own html page. When a visitor types "http://yourdomain", he/she will see your home page first. However, you can link to the original home page by writing a link in your html file. The link format is: http://yourdomain/ctr/web/index.jsp.

The top part lists all the files and folders in current folder. Each page lists up to the max rows of records, which you can adjust it any time. The navigating links to access to multiple pages will be displaying on the bottom of table if there are more than one page. From here, you can sort by file Name, Size, Type or Modify Date by clicking any of these fields in the header row. You can enter to a sub-folder page to view all the files and folders in this sub-folder by clicking folder link (only a folder has a link). Clicking the top folder (always in the first row of list) link will go back to top folder.
You can view, download or delete the file/folder by clicking View, Download or Delete link in each row. You can do multiple selection first, then delete them in one time by clicking Delete Selected Files button in Command Panel. Also they (includes selected files, folders and subfolders) can be downloaded into an archived zip file by clicking Download Selected Files as a Zip File button. You can upload any local file (Max size is 50 MB) into the current folder. An efficient way to upload multiple files and folders is to zip them into a zip file in your local machine, then upload this file and unpack this file in the server side. All the folder structure will keep the same as they are in local machine. You can create a folder, rename a selected file/folder or move multiple files in one time if you enter a file or folder name.

Private Area
It is the private area of your website. You can upload some files to this area to share them with other employees in different location. It is highly secure and can only be accessed by a user who has a role of 'Private Area File Store' and is assigned to sharing this folder.

Member Area
It is the member area of your website. You can upload some files to this area or its sub-folders. It can only be accessed by a member who has grant the right to acess this area. The URL is: http://yourdomain/ctr/memberarea1/..

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